I like coffee, illusions, space, fairytales, forests, boys with pretty bone structures, mermaids, london, paleness, murder, blue velvet, red lipstick, scottish, goths, studs, when you use long words perfectly, nihilism, adrenalin, how your hair looks underwater, french, blueberrypies, making pointless lists, psychopaths, girl interrupted, fire & candles & burning things, inside jokes, glitter glitter glitter, the garden state soundtrack, dreams, stars, vampires, bubbles, boys on swings and girls on skateboards, cigarettes, asphalt flowers, bruises, the feeling you get when you've listened to one band/song solidly for the whole day, black dresses, realising how impossible deep the ocean is, fairy lights, long eyelashes, magic spells, personality disorders, tokyo, too many piercings, green hair, nostalgia, running through empty cities at night, funny voices, pissing people off, traveling, phantom of the opera, supermassive bows, dark winter evenings when the christmas lights are pretty and you're warm, useless facts, bunny rabbits, donnie darko, doc martens, the way your heart skips when you look at the person you like, skeletons, finding things in my pocket, revenge, the cold side of the pillow, brian molko and placebo, magick, cheekbones, purple skies, happy pills, people who like star trek, geeks, when you read something and it touches you so profoundly, kind strangers, people with hats, falling in love with people who aren't real, antony hegarty, perfect eyeliner that changes your face, raindrops against my window when i'm in bed, being awake while the rest of the world is asleep, laughing so hard you feel like your insides are going to implode, french films, festivals, the dreamers, warhol, dangling legs off windows and balconies, letters, love, dancing to joy division and celebrating the irony, confusion, tea, harry potter, fantasy, nancy boys, edie sedgwick, people telling me I look like alice glass, tim burton and david lynch, twin peaks, textmessages, nailpolish, red roses, rain.
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